Ellen Rice Rest Home
38 Warner St, Springfield, MA
Michael Joseph, Administrator
Ph: 413-733-7162 Fax: 413-480-0022
Experienced staff and community partners support resident success in maintaining housing, remaining in the community rather than institutions, and following through with activities of daily living with medication administration, meals, laundry, activities, and access to appointments. We partner with local pharmacies to offer seasonal influenza and Covid-19 vaccines to protect our residents, staff, visitors, and community members.
- Medication Management and Administration
- Meals Developed with Certified Nutritionist
- Laundry and Cleaning
- Activities
- Access to Appointments
- Fluent Native Spanish-Speaking Staff and Residents
- Registered Nurse Assessments and Oversight of Care
- Hygiene, Infection Control, PPE
- Vaccines for Flu and Covid-19
- Covid-19 Precautions, Screening, Testing and Reporting
- Medication, Vaccine, and Diagnoses Education
- Licensed with the State of MA DPH
Level 4 Care
Level 4 Care
Ellen Rice Rest Home is a Level 4 long-term care facility, with unskilled nursing care. Residents with complex needs beyond our services described above should seek care at a registered skilled nursing facility, such as a nursing home or specialized group home. Level 4 Care requires a Physician's Order to Admit.